Hila Dominstein holds a BA from the Hebrew university, with a double major in Musicology and Business management; currently she is an MA student in the department of Musicology and a research assistant at the Jewish Music Research Centre. Hila's research studies the Russian and Soviet intellectual aesthetics and musical theories that informed the works of Israeli composer Mordecai Seter (1916-1994). The basis for this research is archival: between the years 1952 and 1994 Seter wrote 32 notebooks (over 2700 pages) that feature musical analysis and autobiographical passages, while citing numerous passages from books he read in Russian, Hebrew, French and English. Tracing Seter's intellectual history through his archive unfolds a broad artistic and philosophical network which traverses through Russian Symbolism, Acmeism, and Futurism, French Symbolism. Focusing on Seter’s reading of the musical theories of Alexi Ogolvets, Hila’s thesis examines Seter’s compositions from the 1950s and through the 70s while resituating his aesthetic choices as well as his place in the history of art music in the Yishuv and Israel.